Who Has More Dental Anxiety?

Is it Men or Women?

The Yuba City Dentistry Group knows that not many people look forward to going to the dentist. Most would prefer to do anything other than go to the dentist, especially when they know there might be a problem. Of course, fixing problems before they even start is important to avoid bigger problems. So who tends to avoid the dentist? Are men or women more likely to have dental anxiety?

The Answer from Australia

Studies have already demonstrated that males tend to avoid both dental check ups and doctor visits. Yet an Australian research study found that women in their 40’s were more likely than males and women of other ages to have a “perceived traumatic dental experience” that made them so anxious that even having a routine dental visit was impossible without sedation. Dr. Avanti Karve, one of the researchers from Sydney University, said this about dental fears: “Dental anxiety is very real and complex and it should never be downplayed…a person with severe dental anxiety waits on average 17 days to make an appointment when in severe pain, as opposed to three days in the remaining population.” That’s a long time to wait because of dental anxiety!

Our Yuba City family dental office understands patient’s concerns and fears. When a patient confides their dental fears, we do our best to make them calm and comfortable. Some patients prefer a “play-by-play when in the dental chair so they know what’s happening at all times. Other patients wish to know nothing, saying “ignorance is bliss” so they can get out of the dental chair as soon as possible.

How Sedation is a Solution for Anxiety

One important way the Yuba City Dentistry Group helps patients with dental anxiety is by using oral conscious sedation or sleep dentistry. When a patient chooses this option, our dentist administers a strong oral sedative, in pill or liquid form, before the procedure begins. The patient is awake, but sedated. They do not remember anything that happened during the procedure, thus eliminating anxiety and stress. Our dental team carefully monitors our patients and follows all of the necessary pain management and ethical protocols during treatment to maintain a safe environment. Then you wake up and it’s simply time to go home and recover.

Are you interested in sleep dentistry? Our Yuba City dental professionals can use this method on almost any patient, so contact us before your next visit to let us know you’d like to try it. The cost is much less than the complications caused by delaying treatment or avoiding the dentist altogether. Call us today to schedule an appointment and ask for more information about sleep dentistry!

Jun 1, 2017 | Oral Health


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They are fantastic! I feel so comfortable having them treat my entire family!