

FillingsFillings are necessary when tooth decay ruins part of the hard enamel covering a tooth, leading to the feared dental “cavity”. Leaving decay untouched is never recommended as it will get worse, leading to tooth pain and either root canal treatment or tooth loss. New procedures in pain management and filling preparation make this a rapid and quite simple dentistry process.

Composite fillings are appropriate in most circumstances and have the benefit of matching the color of your enamel. Where composites cannot be employed, which is seldom, restoring your tooth is easier than ever with the traditional and inexpensive amalgam filling. Finally, ionomer materials are, like composites, a nearly invisible option that is employed to repair non-chewing surfaces. Here are more details about how our Yuba City dentists administer these filling options.

Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are made of a glass or quartz compound combined with a tooth-colored resin. The composite compound bonds to your tooth, so with composites a filling requires less drilling. Where possible, the Yuba City Dentistry Group uses composite fillings.

Ionomer Fillings

Ionomer fillings are opaque and tooth-colored, engineered by combining acrylics with glass powders. For patients with excessive problems with tooth decay, ionomers are available that release protective fluoride over time. Some deem ionomer less esthetic than composites, but for many the match is nearly identical.

Amalgam Fillings

Dental amalgam alloys silver, tin, copper, mercury and other metals. It is a historic material used in dentistry for many decades. Wherever possible, this material is no longer employed, due to its mercury content and potential long-term health issues. All fillings need replacement after a certain period of time, but this is especially true with amalgam.

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Lena Connolly

Some of the most caring and gentle people I've ever met. I have always avoided the dentist like the plague, but these guys are so nice, kind, and I'm so grateful I found them.