Your Heart and Your Teeth

Scientific research shows a link between heart disease and dental health in patients with gum disease. Gum disease also increases the risk of stroke, because oral bacteria can cause inflammation not only in the gums, but also in blood vessels. By avoiding the risk and complications of gum disease, it’s possible to have a healthier mouth and a healthier heart! Therefore, for American Heart Month in February, the Yuba City Dentistry Group would like to share three ways to protect your heart and have a healthy mouth.

Protect Your Heart with Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is key to protecting your heart. Brush twice a day with toothpaste and floss daily to prevent irritated gums. When you protect your gums from gingivitis and periodontitis, you not only protect your heart. You also prevent oral pain, gum recession, and tooth loss.

Visit the Yuba City Dentistry Group

Don’t skip your dental exams and cleanings. Most Americans have gum disease and do not know it because their mouth feels fine. Our Yuba City dental professionals are trained to spot potential problems early to prevent dental complications later. Let our Yuba City family dentist know if you or your children have experienced any new or unusual oral symptoms, such as bleeding gums, gum recession, tooth sensitivity or pain.

Stop Smoking

Smoking irritates mouth tissues and increases the chance of oral cancer. Quitting smoking also helps your heart by cutting your risk of heart disease and stroke. Taking steps to quit may not be easy to accomplish, but our staff is here to support you with information on smoking cessation. A good game plan requires talking to your doctor, getting the support of friends, family and coworkers, and replacing the smoking habit with healthier ones, like daily exercise.

A healthy lifestyle that includes daily oral care decreases the risk of heart related disease and improves your quality of life! Small changes make a big difference, so protect your heart by making dental care a priority. Contact the Yuba City Dentistry Group today to schedule an appointment!

Feb 8, 2018 | Oral Health


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Great service! All the staff was super friendly and helpful, I’m so happy I chose Yuba City Dentistry!