What Makes All-on-4 Different?

The All-on-4 process requires no bone grafting for you to get dental implants. All-on-4 relies on imaging technology and a wide variety of implant sizes, shapes, and lengths to provide you with the dental implants you need for a full set of teeth. Even more, since All-on-4 tech finds and uses available bone to provide immediately secure implants, you go home with a full set of teeth after only one procedure.

No Grafting Needed

Traditional implant dentures were often limited in their approach to securing your new teeth to your jaw. If the available bone was thin or of poor quality, bone grafting was regularly required. All-on-4 implants come in many different designs developed specifically to address this problem. While a jawbone may be thin vertically, most people have plenty of bone on the horizontal axis. Long, narrow implants with specially designed angled abutments can use this bone to provide a secure platform for a denture. With these techniques, the Yuba City Dentistry Group can help patients that other dentists turn away.

An Immediate Denture

Since the All-on-4 process finds ways to use whatever quality bone that’s available, the implants are immediately secure. It’s just like drilling a screw into solid wood — you can put weight on it right away! Your gum tissues and bone are not exactly like wood, though, and they do swell up during the healing process that follows the installation of dental implants. Therefore, our Yuba City dentist provides you with a stable and fully attached healing denture that you wear during the four to ten months after your procedure. Once the shape of your gums and bone are fixed around your new implants, a permanent denture is crafted that fits even better than the temporary denture you receive on day one.

These Teeth Don’t Come Out!

Note that All-on-4 provides you with a fixed denture. These are not snap on dentures that go on and off your teeth. There’s no putting your teeth in a glass of water at night with All-on-4! These new teeth stay with you day in and day out, just like your original set.

For more information about the unique features of the All-on-4 process, contact the Yuba City Dentistry Group today.

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I can't wait for my next appointment with the best dentist ever! Their state-of-the-art dental office is truly amazing, and the staff is so welcoming and...