oral cancer

Time for Your Dental Checkup?

Time for Your Dental Checkup?

It’s important to visit the Yuba City Dentistry Group regularly, at least every six months. There are several reasons for this. Regular checkups allow us to inspect your teeth and gums, making sure they are healthy. If any issues have developed, we can assess the...

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Tongue Tales

Tongue Tales

What Your Tongue Says About You During a checkup at the Yuba City Dentistry Group, your dentist learns quite a bit about your oral health: the strength of your enamel and the integrity of your teeth; the quality of your gum tissue; whether you show signs of infection...

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Your Heart and Your Teeth

Your Heart and Your Teeth

Scientific research shows a link between heart disease and dental health in patients with gum disease. Gum disease also increases the risk of stroke, because oral bacteria can cause inflammation not only in the gums, but also in blood vessels. By avoiding the risk and...

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Yuba City Oral Cancer Screening

Yuba City Oral Cancer Screening

Did you know you are screened for oral cancer each time you visit the Yuba City Dentistry Group for your cleanings and exams? Our Yuba City family dentists put your health and well-being in first place, so screening for oral cancer is very important. Understanding the...

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The Importance of a Healthy Tongue

The Importance of a Healthy Tongue

Your tongue is an amazing muscle that helps you eat, chew, swallow, talk, sip, slurp and sing. Keeping your tongue healthy is just as important as keeping the rest of your mouth in good working order. What are some things to remember to keep your tongue in shape? Here...

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