
According to Taste

According to Taste

Taking Out the Tongue Map Sweet up front, salty on the sides, sour behind that, and bitter in the back; according to a diagram still used in schools and textbooks today, taste sensations are divided into certain sections of the tongue’s surface. Unfortunately, this...

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Talking About the Tongue

Talking About the Tongue

In our last blog post, we discussed the importance of having a healthy tongue. Since we use it throughout the day to swallow, speak and chew, our tongue is a very important part of our oral health. Just why do the dentists at the Yuba City Dentistry Group believe your...

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How Healthy Is Your Tongue?

How Healthy Is Your Tongue?

Tongue Care is Essential Your tongue is an amazing and powerful tool that we often take for granted. Besides using it to speak, your tongue enables you to chew, swallow and digest food. The humble tongue also can detect when something may not be right in your mouth,...

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The Importance of a Healthy Tongue

The Importance of a Healthy Tongue

Your tongue is an amazing muscle that helps you eat, chew, swallow, talk, sip, slurp and sing. Keeping your tongue healthy is just as important as keeping the rest of your mouth in good working order. What are some things to remember to keep your tongue in shape? Here...

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