Emergency Dentistry in Plumas Lake, CA

A woman sitting in a dental chair is touching her cheek with a pained expression, indicating dental discomfort. A dentist wearing a mask and blue gloves holds a dental mirror and speaks to her. The woman is wearing a striped shirt and a blue dental bib. The background shows a clinical setting, emphasizing a visit to the dentist for tooth pain or a dental check-up.Emergency dental care is recommended when one of the following painful circumstances take place:

  • A tooth is cracked or loosened by trauma, accident or eating.
  • You suffer from an unbearable tooth ache.
  • You have a damaged or loosened dental appliance.

Left untreated, all of the above can lead to tooth loss and hospital visits for pain. Any medical doctor will inform you, however, that the answer for dental problems is a dentist! If you are experiencing an emergency dental situation near Plumas Lake, the Yuba City Dentistry Group is ready to assist you.

Come Right Now!

Come to our office at 1052 Live Oak Blvd in Yuba City quickly if you suffer any of the above problems. Call ahead at (530) 803-4977 so we can prepare for your arrival. We put you first in line to see one of our Yuba City dentists.

Severe Tooth Ache

A painful tooth is caused by one of considerable different issues. If a visual investigation or intraoral photography does not find the immediate issue, x-rays will uncover deeper causes. The source of tooth ache may include:

  • Extensive tooth decay, affecting the roots.
  • Bacterial invasion, forming an abscess.
  • Oral cysts, tumors or other abnormalities.

Our examination determines the cause of the problem and we proceed to the resolution. Toothaches do not go away by themselves or by taking painkillers. Finding the source of the pain ends your situation.

Broken Teeth and Appliances

If your tooth, crown, bridge, implant or other restoration has broken or become dislodged, pick up the parts, if possible, and come to our Yuba City office right away. Before you arrive, take the following steps:

  1. Rinse the tooth or device carefully using whatever means are available, preferably water, saliva or milk.
  2. Reinsert the tooth or part where it normally resides. If that’s not possible for a tooth, put it between your cheek and gum.
  3. Bite down on a tea bag or wet towel to keep the tooth or restoration in place.
  4. Hold something cold to your cheek to keep down any swelling.
  5. Alert our office at (530) 803-4977 and promptly come to our dentist.

Keeping your tooth and your senses is possible with emergency dental service at our nearby Yuba City office. We are ready to treat your pain and send you back to your normal life with emergency dentistry from the Yuba City Dentistry Group!

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I had a great experience here … staff is awesome