Get Your Smile Back in One Day!

Installing dental implants used to mean a lengthy period of recuperation while your new implants fused with your jaw. Improvements in implant technology make this problem a thing of the past, even for patients who need an entire arch of teeth! The All-on-4 procedure used by the Yuba City Dentistry Group lets you replace both your upper and lower teeth with a set of full implant dentures in only one day!

How is It Possible?

Two things make this seemingly miraculous procedure possible: the hugely successful All-on-4 process and our in-house dental lab. All-on-4 lets us install dental implants in jawbones that previously were not qualified for implant dentures. And our in-house lab crafts your initial set of implant dentures on the very day we install your implants.

How Does All-on-4 Do It?

The All-on-4 system relies on detailed 3-D imaging to find the best bone available in both the upper and lower jaws. Then the wide variety of implant styles offered through All-on-4 allow our Yuba City dentist to select just the right implants for your situation. If you lack depth in your jawbone, All-on-4 can make a steep angle in your jaw to find the necessary strength to support implant dentures. Studies show that 98% of All-on-4 installations are still working perfectly after more than seven years!

Dentures in One Day?

Improvements in digital technology, denture materials, and on-site milling machines make it possible for our dental technician to craft your initial set of dentures while we install your implants. When you are in the dental chair, they are using 3-D images of your new jawline with dental implants to craft custom dentures made to fit. Any necessary modifications require a short walk from our procedure room down the hall to the dental lab. Your new teeth will look and fit perfectly, all in one day.

Fixed Dentures in a Fraction of the Time

The All-on-4 process uses no bone grafting, so you avoid the lengthy waiting period before a dental implant procedure. A thorough advance examination and consultation is all the preparation that is needed. Dental experience, precision equipment, an in-house lab, and quality materials make a one-day procedure possible. You walk in with bad or no teeth and you walk out with a beautiful, functional smile, all thanks to four dental implants in each jaw and a customized denture.

For more information about the All-on-4 process at the Yuba City Dentistry Group, contact us today!

(Your initial dentures are fixed and fully functional, but you will return after a healing period of weeks or months to take new digital images and to craft a final set of dentures based on how your jaw and gum tissues have healed around the new dental implants.)

Jun 1, 2023 | Implants


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Gale Young

All staff were so curtious, attentive, and kind,. The doctor was gentle and sharpe , I am looking foreward to my cap replacement !