Benefits of Dental Sealants

Let’s face it: the American diet includes a lot of sugar. We have very healthy eating options available, certainly, but the average American does not take advantage of those options as often as they should. Fast food is so much more convenient, and sodas taste better than bottled water. We use candy and ice cream as treats, but many treat themselves frequently, producing negative health results. According to industrial researcher IBISWorld, the obesity rate among adults aged 18 and older in the United States is now 33 people per 100 individuals, or one-third of adult Americans.

But our bodies need sugar for fuel, converting it to energy, right? Yes, we do, but the upwards of 70 bacterial strains in our mouths use sugar for energy, too. Many of those strains attack our teeth and gums, causing cavities and infections. The more we feed the bacteria with easily digested sugars, the more damage they can do to the teeth.

Dental Reinforcement with Sealants

If changing your diet just seems too difficult, there are other ways you can bolster the defenses of your teeth. The Yuba City Dentistry Group offers dental sealants, a product with decades of practical use in the dental field. Continued research and development have improved the performance of sealants, and increased their availability by bringing down relative costs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children between the ages of 6 and 11 who get dental sealants are 3 times less likely to develop cavities than those who do not. The American Dental Association (ADA) says that dental sealants offer an 80% reduction to risk of cavities.

Sealants are protective coatings that get “painted” over your teeth. The dental sealant bonds with the tooth surface, smoothing out any pits or fissures. Once the sealant sets, it becomes a powerful armor protecting your teeth from bacterial attacks.

Who can benefit from dental sealants? Although there are pediatric protocols for the use of dental sealants with children, permanent teeth are the greatest beneficiaries of dental sealants. Our Yuba City dentists are happy to help with determining whether dental sealants are a good idea for you. The application process is simple and swift. Many dental insurance companies recognize the benefits of dental sealants, and typically help with covering the cost. Dental sealants commonly last 10 years before needing reapplication.

You can schedule a consultation or specialized appointment about dental sealants by calling in person or by using our online form. Find out more about the demonstrated benefits of dental sealants!


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