Yuba City Oral Cancer Screening

Did you know you are screened for oral cancer each time you visit the Yuba City Dentistry Group for your cleanings and exams? Our Yuba City family dentists put your health and well-being in first place, so screening for oral cancer is very important. Understanding the risks of oral cancer and how to prevent it helps protect our patients and reduces the risks from this initially painless disease.

That’s right, oral cancers tend to be painless at the start, so you may not even notice there is a problem developing in your mouth until it begins to affect other parts of your body. When detected early, oral cancer is curable and the chances of recovery are dramatically increased. Our dentists and hygienists know the warning signs and the screening is quick and painless.

Who Is At Risk For Oral Cancer?

Anyone is at risk, not just smokers and tobacco users. But tobacco users, as well as patients who consume a lot of alcohol, have a higher risk of getting oral cancer. Put the two habits together and the risk jumps even more severely. Recent research reveals that while most oral cancers are diagnosed in people aged 50 and up, patients who are younger are also at risk for oral cancer due to problems caused by HPV, or the human papillomavirus, even if they’ve never smoked.

Do Not Ignore Oral Cancer Warning Signs!

Contact the Yuba City Dental Group if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Persistent difficulty swallowing and/or hoarseness without a cold or flu;
  • Bleeding in the mouth or throat;
  • White or red patches in your mouth or on the lips that don’t go away;
  • Mouth sores that don’t heal after two weeks;
  • Swelling, growths or lumps in your mouth or neck area.

We help you catch the cancer before these symptoms arise. Take care of your dental health by keeping your appointments and we’ll take care of your mouth by making sure it’s as healthy and cancer-free as possible!

Mar 2, 2017 | Oral Health


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Cheema is the best,the whole treatment was no pain at all.That was amazing. I will wait couple more days to see how it works