The Right Place to Visit

For people that are not suffering symptoms related to COVID-19, getting emergency help with injuries or ailments has become increasingly difficult. Hospitals and ER rooms have been forced to limit how many people can be seen at any given time, often giving precedent to those with symptoms of the coronavirus. Even before the virus began its rampage, it was already difficult to sit in an packed ER waiting room. Many opted to just sit at home and deal with pain.

Better Emergency Options for Dental Issues

Ironically, many patients with dental issues end up doing the same thing as patients with medical ones, even though it’s unnecessary. In many instances, dental patients would rather wait in an ER room (or their own living room) for help with a dislodged tooth, severe dental pain, or inflamed gums as opposed to visiting their dentist. And yet, calling or scheduling an appointment to receive prompt, specialized service from the Yuba City Dentistry Group results in not only treating the symptoms, but resolving the underlying causes as well.

Consider this: the urgent care or ER doctor might have a basic understanding of what’s going on in a patient’s mouth. But in almost every single case, none of them have the training, experience, and skilled expertise offered by the dentists at the Yuba City Dentistry Group. We know teeth. We know gums. We know how to help you repair or restore them to health. And if you’re already a patient of ours, that means we’re familiar with your particular circumstances.

The Long Way Around

Many ER rooms have implemented a referral program to send patients with dental issues to a dentist the doctor chooses after a preliminary exam. That means you’ll not only have to wait for the ER doctor and pay for the visit, but you will then get referred to a dentist and pay for a visit to his office — and watch out if that dentist is “out of network” for your insurance.

Instead of going through multiple steps and waiting rooms, it’s much easier to contact the Yuba City Dentistry Group by phone for an emergency appointment first thing! Not only is our dental knowledge extensive, but we also offer emergency dental care – like a “dental” urgent care facility. If you suffer something like a cracked tooth, a dislodged crown, or severe tooth pain, we are here to help – even under stay-at-home conditions. Just let us know what happened and when you can come in, and we’ll be ready for your arrival.

“But It’s the Dentist!”

The Yuba City Dentistry Group is fully aware of all the different reasons people might not want to visit the dentist. Some are afraid of the chair. Others twinge just thinking of high-pitched sounds from certain tools. Still others think they might be judged as to the state of their teeth. And others suffer from a distinct phobia when it comes to dentistry. These are just a few of the many reasons we’ve heard – and understand – about why people would rather deal with an ER room than a dentist office.

Thankfully, we have ways of helping you cope. One way is to go over every single step with you – what we’re going to examine, what we find, and how to address the circumstances. No surprises, just explanations. Then we discuss what to do to help you, in a way that you’re comfortable with. Another option is sleep dentistry (offically called oral conscious sedation) where a sedative helps you relax. You can still communicate with the dentist, but you won’t remember the sensations or sounds of the procedure.

The Right Professionals for the Problem

In this climate, anyone with toothache or dental issues has a much better alternative than going through urgent care or an ER room. In fact, it’s helpful to the community to keep the ER open for those with broken bones, burn trauma, open wounds, coronavirus and the like. The Yuba City Dentistry Group specializes in dental issues – not just your teeth and gums, but sometimes facial pain and sleep apnea issues. If you are having such issues, give us a call! When you want to get in control of your oral health, we’re the right place to visit!

Jan 7, 2021 | Emergency Dentistry


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