
oral bacteria

Oral bacteria is the main cause of cavities, gum disease, and loss of teeth. A diet of acidic and sugary foods along with poor oral hygiene is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. A habit of eating good foods, brushing and flossing regularly, and keeping your scheduled appointments with your dentist can help you avoid this damaging oral bacteria.

Bacteria and Breath

Bacteria and Breath

Bad breath is something that all of us try to avoid. We may like the taste of onions, garlic, certain seafoods, and other rather smelly food products. After eating such foods, we often take extra steps to avoid the resulting malodorous effect. Some chew a piece of...

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Dealing with Bad Breath

Dealing with Bad Breath

Have you ever caught someone breathing into their cupped hand? Perhaps you’ve done it yourself. This is a quick way to test the smell of your breath. It’s typically done before meeting someone of importance, like a date, your client, or the boss. We merely want to...

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Plaque and Tartar

Plaque and Tartar

When the Yuba City Dentistry Group discusses plaque with you, we’re likely not talking about some ornamental tablet meant to commemorate a person or event — although we might display one or two. And when we discuss tartar, we’re probably not talking about the tasty...

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Probiotics to Prevent Toothache

Probiotics to Prevent Toothache

A recent study conducted at the University of Florida reported that taking a probiotic pill containing a previously unidentified form of Streptococcus bacteria, now named A12, fights the toothache causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans. That might sound a little...

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Fluoride for the Family

Fluoride for the Family

When you think of fluoride treatment and use, you probably think of the benefits for children and their developing teeth. Fluoride is indeed essential for children to have strong teeth, but it’s also important for adults. The Yuba City Dentistry Group encourages our...

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The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

What’s the best way to prevent tooth decay? Brushing and flossing every day. It’s so simple, but tooth decay and gum disease are the most common problems our Yuba City dental professionals treat. Our mouth is attacked every day by acid-eroding food and drinks. Combine...

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Control Plaque and Tartar

Control Plaque and Tartar

Something lurks inside your mouth, waiting to take advantage of a skipped round of flossing, or an ignored toothbrush. What is it? It’s bacteria, silently making plaque and tartar. When enough of this goo and hard gunk accumulates along your gumline, the result is gum...

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