
Teeth and Allergies

Teeth and Allergies

Despite the occasional colder temperatures we've experienced lately in the Yuba City area, spring is here. The trees are blooming and seasonal allergies are kicking in. Did you know that allergies can impact dental health? All that nose blowing due to sinus irritation...

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Dental Fiction or Fact?

Dental Fiction or Fact?

Dental Answers in Yuba City Sometimes it can be confusing when you see conflicting information online or hear it from others when it comes to dental health. So here are some dental facts and fictions. Consider how you would answer the following statements: If My Teeth...

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Root Canal Therapy to the Rescue!

Root Canal Therapy to the Rescue!

Our Yuba City family dentists believe that a patient’s natural teeth are always worth saving whenever possible. Even the best technology cannot replace the synergetic support that the teeth provide the jawbone and vice versa. So when one of your teeth becomes...

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When You Need an Extraction

When You Need an Extraction

The idea of pulling a tooth is often concerning to our patients, whether they are adults or children. So here’s some information form our Yuba City family dentists to put your mind at ease if we recommend a tooth extraction as a course of treatment. Why Tooth...

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