Oral Health

Oral health is important to our physical health as well! Check out our tips on teeth brushing, flossing, mouthwash, bad breath, and tooth loss. We even answer questions about infant and child mouth care.

Does Bad Breath Bother You?

Does Bad Breath Bother You?

Don’t Live with Bad Breath Sooner or later, everybody deals with bad breath. We chew gum and suck on mints, or try out herbal remedies, special toothpastes, and mouthwash. Usually, it’s a short-lived problem, but sometimes bad breath just doesn’t seem to go away. In...

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Let’s Hear It for Spit!

Let’s Hear It for Spit!

The Benefits of Saliva Saliva goes by many names: drool, spit, slaver, dribble, and other unsavory synonyms. It’s that clear, semi-viscous liquid in your mouth that builds up at times — especially when you anticipate a tasty meal. The American Dental Association (ADA)...

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Tongue Tales

Tongue Tales

What Your Tongue Says About You During a checkup at the Yuba City Dentistry Group, your dentist learns quite a bit about your oral health: the strength of your enamel and the integrity of your teeth; the quality of your gum tissue; whether you show signs of infection...

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Maintain Dental Health During Summer

Maintain Dental Health During Summer

Ah, summer! It's time for camping, road trips, and plenty of other outdoor activities. We plan our itineraries so we can get together with friends and family during the warmer weather. And with most of those activities, food is involved – whether it’s roasting over an...

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Seeking Wisdom About Teeth

Seeking Wisdom About Teeth

In the 17th century, they were called “teeth of wisdom.” Since the 19th century, we’ve been calling them “wisdom teeth.” Whatever name you choose, we are talking about the set of third molars that appear in your mouth — two on the top and two on the bottom — typically...

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Picking the Proper Tool

Picking the Proper Tool

In the 1870’s, a shrewd business man named Charles Forster went from store to store, asking if they would sell his recently-developed tool. Since there was never any demand for it, the stores declined Mr. Forster’s offer. Mr. Forster hired young people to walk into...

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