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What is a Diastema?
Jul 5, 2018 | Oral Health
What do Madonna, Anna Paquin, Woody Harrelson, Michael Strahan, Elijah Wood, and Lauren Hutton all have in common? They all have a large gap between their two front teeth. Dentists call this gap a diastema. What Causes Diastemas? Diastemas usually occur between the...
Gum Disease Warnings
Jun 28, 2018 | Oral Health, Restorations
Gum disease afflicts more than half of us, yet most are not aware there is a battle being waged daily in our mouths. Prevent your mouth from being a sore loser — untreated gum disease causes decay, tooth loss, pain and bleeding. The Yuba City Dentistry Group is here...
Make Your Dental Team Smile
Jun 21, 2018 | Dental Profession
Ideas for a More Pleasant Dental Appointment Our Yuba City family dental clinic does our best to impress our clients with the best service possible. Therefore, we strive for an exceptionally clean and organized office. Likewise, our dentist and hygienist thoroughly...
Is Flossing Important?
Jun 14, 2018 | Oral Health
Flossing is something we all know we should do, but actually doing it is another thing. Is flossing necessary? Many dental patients may think it's sufficient to brush their teeth daily and use mouthwash. Others only floss when they have something stuck between their...
Amazing Results With Invisalign
Jun 7, 2018 | Case Study, Cosmetic, Invisalign, Oral Health, Orthodontics, TMJ
Straighten the Teeth Easily at the Yuba City Dentistry Group "This patient had very overly crowded teeth making it difficult to keep her teeth clean. After Invisalign treatment from Yuba City Dentistry Group, she can now floss and easily keep them clean. This will...
Do You Have Cracked Tooth Syndrome?
May 31, 2018 | Implants, Oral Health, Oral Surgery, Restorations, Sensitive Teeth
Our jaws exert a huge amount of force on our teeth and they're designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear. But instead of successfully facing these demands throughout the day, your teeth might have tiny cracks, putting you at risk for a broken tooth and high dental...
Dentists Curate Smithsonian Exhibit
May 24, 2018 | Dental Profession, Sensitive Teeth
The American Dental Association recently reported on dentists working with the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History to curate a special exhibit about the narwhal and its tusk. Unlike horns, which are an outgrowth of the skull, tusks are actually teeth...
Probiotics to Prevent Toothache
May 17, 2018 | Dental Profession, Oral Health
A recent study conducted at the University of Florida reported that taking a probiotic pill containing a previously unidentified form of Streptococcus bacteria, now named A12, fights the toothache causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans. That might sound a little...
New Method To Fight Cavities
May 10, 2018 | Oral Health, Sensitive Teeth
Curing Cavities With Peptides Researchers at the University of Washington recently discovered that toothpaste containing peptides made from the protein amelogenin reverse tooth decay, restoring damaged tooth enamel. How do peptides work to prevent and repair decay?...
Have a Stress Free Dental Appointment!
May 3, 2018 | Dental Profession, Oral Health
It's normal to have some anxiety right before a dental appointment. Even a regular exam and cleaning makes some patients feel as if they have “test anxiety.” Don't worry! Our Yuba City dentist and hygienists are not here to judge or compare you to other patients, but...
Oral Surgery Answers
Apr 26, 2018 | Dental Profession, Implants, Oral Surgery, Restorations, TMJ
Common Questions Explained by the Yuba City Dentistry Group It's likely you have many questions if our Yuba City dental professionals have recommended oral surgery. We understand — few patients like to hear that they need more time in a dental chair, especially when...
How Eating Disorders Influence Oral Health
Apr 19, 2018 | Cosmetic, Implants, Oral Health, Restorations, Sensitive Teeth
Eating disorders are a health and wellness concern for all fields of the medical profession, out of concern for the people affected by these problems. Besides unhealthy weight loss and the damage it causes, these disorders also harm the teeth and gums. What are some...
What Your Saliva Says About You
Apr 12, 2018 | Dental Profession, Oral Health
A blood test reveals a wealth of information about the status of our health, but did you know your saliva can do the same? Saliva is called “the mirror of the body” by the American Dental Association, and for good reason. Many different types of medical tests commonly...
Invisalign Day at Yuba City Dentistry Group
Apr 5, 2018 | Cosmetic, Invisalign, Orthodontics
Celebrate spring and warmer weather by getting the smile you've always wanted! It's Invisalign day at the Yuba City Dentistry Group! What is Invisalign Day and why is our Yuba City family dentist so excited to tell you about it? Special Invisalign Promotion for Yuba...
When Baby Teeth Don’t Fall Out
Mar 29, 2018 | Cosmetic, Orthodontics
Sometimes adults retain their baby teeth. Although the problem is uncommon, you may actually know someone with a full mouth of teeth, but one or more little ones in between teeth of regular adult size. Most of us start to lose our baby teeth around 5 years of age up...