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Bad Dental Habits
Jul 11, 2019 | Dental Facts, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance, Orthodontics
Are They Worth the Risk? The average American diet runs high in refined or simple carbohydrates and sugars. It’s also a fact that tooth decay and gum disease affect over 90% of children and adults in the United States. Not everyone is harmed in the same way, or to the...
Can You Brush Away Your Appetite?
Jun 20, 2019 | Dental Facts, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
A good oral hygiene routine keeps your mouth healthy. It also freshens your breath and a brightens your smile. Some individuals claim another benefit: it reduces your appetite. Others reply with their own counterclaim, that they get hungry when brushing their teeth....
The Wonders of Tooth Enamel
Jun 13, 2019 | Dental Facts, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
The more we learn about teeth, the more we are amazed by them. Consider tooth enamel. This single component of our teeth has plenty of impressive features! So, let’s discuss some of the qualities of tooth enamel that make it so fascinating. Structure of Tooth Enamel...
Seeking Wisdom About Teeth
Jun 6, 2019 | Dental Facts, Oral Health, Oral Surgery
In the 17th century, they were called “teeth of wisdom.” Since the 19th century, we’ve been calling them “wisdom teeth.” Whatever name you choose, we are talking about the set of third molars that appear in your mouth — two on the top and two on the bottom — typically...
Picking the Proper Tool
May 16, 2019 | Dental Facts, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
In the 1870’s, a shrewd business man named Charles Forster went from store to store, asking if they would sell his recently-developed tool. Since there was never any demand for it, the stores declined Mr. Forster’s offer. Mr. Forster hired young people to walk into...
What Happens If We Skip Brushing?
May 9, 2019 | Dental Facts, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
Brush for two minutes twice a day, every day, for the rest of your life. For some people, it doesn’t seem that important. For others, they miss brushing a few times and get out of the habit. Many stick to this routine religiously. The question remains, is it really...
Amazing Teeth in the Animal Kingdom
Apr 25, 2019 | Dental Facts
At the Yuba City Dentistry Group, we pride ourselves in our knowledge of teeth and how to take care of them. We constantly seek out the best methods to maintain and improve your smile with new dental techniques, emergent technologies like VEL Scope, and new procedures...
A Different Kind of Toothbrush
Apr 18, 2019 | Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
Oral health is simple to maintain when a local store has all the equipment you need. Getting a decent soft-bristled toothbrush, toothpaste, and maybe some floss and mouthwash might cost you as little as ten dollars or less and last for many months. Some countries...
The Two-Minute Warning
Apr 11, 2019 | Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
Brushing Your Teeth Has Benefits Many people live in a way that values microwave ovens over stovetops. Others don’t have the time to make a lunch or even go out for a midday meal, so they have it delivered to the office. Some risk a red light ticket to shave seconds...
Five Parts to a Great Smile
Apr 4, 2019 | Cosmetic, Implants, Invisalign, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance, Orthodontics, Restorations
There’s no denying the benefits of a great smile! It can brighten a room, impress a date, seal a job interview, calm a nervous heart, and even improve your health. As with the rest of the human body, your smile requires regular attention to maintain. There are...
Myths About Aging and Teeth
Mar 21, 2019 | Cosmetic, Dentures, Implants, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance, Restorations, Sensitive Teeth
Despite entertaining stories and endeavors to the contrary, not a single living human can avoid aging and its effects. As a result, many circumstances like receding hairlines or sore muscles are summarily chalked up to getting old. This happens in the dental field...
To UV or Not to UV
Mar 7, 2019 | Oral Health, Oral Maintenance
One item in the arsenal of oral hygiene products is the ultraviolet light sanitation device, or UV light. The manufacturers of these devices say that cleaning your toothbrush with a UV light is the best way to keep it, and you, safe from microorganisms, viruses,...
Seven Months to Straight Teeth
Feb 28, 2019 | Case Study, Cosmetic, Invisalign, Oral Health, Oral Maintenance, Orthodontics
Invisalign Helps a Yuba City Dentistry Patient Meet a person with a beaming smile and it often makes you smile along with them. Thankfully, the Yuba City Dentistry Group offers many ways to achieve that kind of great smile. One of those ways is with Invisalign...
Same Day Crowns in Yuba City
Feb 21, 2019 | Case Study
A Real Life Story at the Yuba City Dentistry Group The Yuba City Dentistry Group provides a wide variety of treatments to improve the oral health, smile, and lives of our patients. Though some cases are subtle or take time, others are more immediate. A perfect example...
Express Orthodontics for Yuba City and Marysville
Feb 14, 2019 | Cosmetic, Oral Health, Orthodontics, sleep apnea
Many people with smiles that could be improved don’t get that improvement, often because they hate the idea of wearing a mouth full of braces. The irony is that they are holding off on getting a better smile to avoid braces, when the Yuba City Dental Group offers many...