
COVID-19 Update on Mouthwash

Mouthwash serves a number of useful purposes. Prescription strength mouthwashes provided by the Yuba City Dentistry Group effectively control the bacteria that cause gum disease or relieve the effects of dry mouth. Anti-cavity mouthwashes featuring fluoride may help remineralize your tooth enamel and protect you from tooth decay. And gargling salt water is recommended by some doctors to relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Finally, mouthwash can make your breath smell nice for a period of time.

But, and this is important, gargling mouthwash does not prevent illness from the novel coronavirus, COVID-19! A recent survey completed by Stanford University examined public misconceptions about the coronavirus pandemic and the belief that mouthwash is a preventative measure is one of these mistaken ideas. Study author Dr. Pascal Geldsetzer is quoted as saying: “The results weren’t all bad. The survey also showed that people generally had good knowledge of the symptoms of COVID-19 and generally understood the main mode of transmission.”

Preventing Sickness from COVID-19

To preserve your health and the health of others, the primary advice from health agencies around the world and locally continues to be:

  • Wash your hands regularly with hand sanitizer or soap and water.
  • Keep your distance from others.
  • Wear a mask when in public places when appropriate.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home as much as possible.
  • Regularly sanitize commonly used surfaces, such as countertops or doorknobs.

The Yuba City Dentistry Group is practicing all of the recommendations for dentists during the coronavirus outbreak and is ready to serve your essential dental needs. Call us or write online if you have specific questions.


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I could not believe how stress-free this whole process has been the moment I walked through their office. I am very grateful for the reviews so I’m going to write one myself to help others decide. They’re very very polite and respectful to your questions and your worries. During the procedure, they took care of me very well I was On an IV, but I was in and out of it, which is normal and I never felt any pain like I thought I would. I am one day postop. I’ve made sure I iced my face and I am one of their success stories. They are beautiful thank you so much. Put your trust in them. I did And because of that, my life Will include this perfect smile And it’ll match the way I feel inside happy.