Marijuana Use Connected to More Cavities

The Journal of the American Dental Association recently published a report that connects recreational marijuana use with an increased incidence of cavities and tooth loss. The study used self-reported survey results from more than 5600 people, aged 18 through 59, throughout the United States and defined “recreational use” of cannabis as at least once per month over a one year period. After correcting for the implications of “age, sex, race or ethnicity, nativity, education, family income to poverty ratio, and alcohol consumption,” the study still concluded that “frequent recreational cannabis use is associated with increased coronal caries, root surface caries, and severe tooth loss in the US adult population.”

Cavity and Tooth Loss with Cannabis

Compared with people who did not use marijuana, recreational users had a 17% higher probability of having cavities on their tooth enamel, a 55% higher chance of experiencing root cavities, and a 41% higher incidence of “severe tooth loss.” Severe tooth loss is defined by the Centers for Disease Control as having 8 or fewer teeth left in your mouth. Given that the maximum age of the study participants was only 59 years old, this is extremely accelerated tooth loss compared to the average.

What might be causing the connection between marijuana use and tooth decay? It could simply be that marijuana smokers are seeing the same bad effects as those caused by smoking tobacco. For example, China has about as many tobacco users as the United States has people in its total population. A study by the National Natural Science Foundation of China published in the journal Tobacco Induced Diseases found that tobacco use also contributes to tooth decay. Most dentists believe that smoking any substance, by any delivery system (including vaping), increases the inflammation of soft tissues in the mouth and leads to dry mouth. Both of these problems increase the incidence of harmful bacteria in the mouth and damage the gum tissues that protect the roots of teeth.

It also cannot be ignored, however, that the THC in marijuana promotes snacking, and not just for health foods. According to dietician Janice Newell Bissex, quoted in CNN Health: “Lowering inhibitions is a big challenge with weed and alcohol. People know what they should be eating, but all of a sudden, their inhibitions are down, and they are eating unhealthy foods.” As the CNN article points out, that desire tends to be for “salty, sweet or fatty carbohydrate-rich foods.” These include the very foods associated with a greater risk for cavities and tooth decay.

It is therefore important for our Yuba City dental patients to keep in mind that their habits affect their oral health! Whether it’s the use of tobacco, excess alcohol, or cannabis, the teeth tend to suffer. This emphasizes the importance of regular dental exams and cleanings to monitor dental health and to act at the first sign of tooth decay and gum disease. If you have not had a dental visit in the last six months or have problems with bleeding gums or sensitive teeth, contact our Yuba City Dentist immediately!


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