
Regular flossing of teeth is a highly recommended way of getting cavity causing food, bacteria, and plaque from in between teeth and close to the gum line. The American Dental Association recommends flossing at lease once each day.

Is Flossing Important?

Is Flossing Important?

Flossing is something we all know we should do, but actually doing it is another thing. Is flossing necessary? Many dental patients may think it's sufficient to brush their teeth daily and use mouthwash. Others only floss when they have something stuck between their...

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The Best Way To Brush and Floss

The Best Way To Brush and Floss

Let's get back to the basics and discuss the best way to brush and floss your teeth. Daily oral care at home is the foundation for a healthy mouth. With a good routine, it's possible to keep your teeth for life! How to Brush First, select a soft bristle brush. This...

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The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

What’s the best way to prevent tooth decay? Brushing and flossing every day. It’s so simple, but tooth decay and gum disease are the most common problems our Yuba City dental professionals treat. Our mouth is attacked every day by acid-eroding food and drinks. Combine...

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Getting Children to Care for Their Teeth

Getting Children to Care for Their Teeth

A parent’s job never ends, but during the morning rush or at the end of a busy day it’s easy to forget the kids need to brush their teeth. So how can we teach our kids that brushing and flossing is important? The Yuba City family dentists at our dental group have some...

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Healthy Holiday Teeth

Healthy Holiday Teeth

A healthy smile should always be at the top of your wish list.” — Academy of General Dentistry Holidays usually lead to lots of treats and plenty of special drink from eggnog to champagne. Since family gatherings and back and forth parties with friends can last for...

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To Floss or Not?

To Floss or Not?

Major news outlets, like CNN, reported recently on the USDA dropping it’s recommendation to floss daily. But our Yuba City dentists and hygienists still strongly advise patients that daily flossing is essential for good oral health. So why did the government drop...

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Maintenance Equals Longevity

Maintenance Equals Longevity

How to Keep Your Teeth Dentists are fond of saying, “Brush only the teeth you want to keep.” The saying is true because our Yuba City dentists know that healthy teeth can last for a lifetime. Daily brushing and flossing at home is the foundation for an everlasting...

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Healthy Teeth For The Whole Family

Healthy Teeth For The Whole Family

Give Children a Good Start It’s not hard to have a healthy smile, but many parents find it challenging to help their children have healthy dental habits. Oral health is so important that it’s a California law for children entering kindergarten to have a dental exam...

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Start Here to Keep Your Teeth

Start Here to Keep Your Teeth

Oral health is very important, so important in fact that dental professionals can tell a lot about a person's overall wellness and lifestyle just by looking in their mouth. The dentists at the Yuba City Dental Group also believe in the old adage, “You get what you pay...

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