Your tongue is an amazing muscle that helps you eat, chew, swallow, talk, sip, slurp and sing. Keeping your tongue healthy is just as important as keeping the rest of your mouth in good working order. What are some things to remember to keep your tongue in shape? Here...
Oral Health
Oral health is important to our physical health as well! Check out our tips on teeth brushing, flossing, mouthwash, bad breath, and tooth loss. We even answer questions about infant and child mouth care.
To Floss or Not?
Major news outlets, like CNN, reported recently on the USDA dropping it’s recommendation to floss daily. But our Yuba City dentists and hygienists still strongly advise patients that daily flossing is essential for good oral health. So why did the government drop...
What is Bruxism?
Do You Clench or Grind Your Teeth? Many people clench or grind their teeth and are unfortunately not aware they do it. Whether you clench or grind, day or night, it causes long-term damage to your teeth and jaw. This condition is known as bruxism and here the dentists...
Smoking and Your Oral Health
Kicking the Habit Helps Tobacco use may be one of the biggest risk factors in the development of periodontal disease.” —David A. Albert, DDS and Associate Professor, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine California recently tightened its regulations to raise...
Tooth Sensitivity Solutions
Patients visiting the Yuba City Dentistry Group for a check up are usually asked if they have experienced any new tooth sensitivity or dental changes since their last exam. Tooth sensitivity is a problem that doesn't affect all patients, but our dentists and...
Maintenance Equals Longevity
How to Keep Your Teeth Dentists are fond of saying, “Brush only the teeth you want to keep.” The saying is true because our Yuba City dentists know that healthy teeth can last for a lifetime. Daily brushing and flossing at home is the foundation for an everlasting...
Healthy Teeth For The Whole Family
Give Children a Good Start It’s not hard to have a healthy smile, but many parents find it challenging to help their children have healthy dental habits. Oral health is so important that it’s a California law for children entering kindergarten to have a dental exam...
Start Here to Keep Your Teeth
Oral health is very important, so important in fact that dental professionals can tell a lot about a person's overall wellness and lifestyle just by looking in their mouth. The dentists at the Yuba City Dental Group also believe in the old adage, “You get what you pay...
Is Your TMJ Flaring Up?
If you have TMJ syndrome, you know that pain that comes with it. TMJ pain makes it difficult to sleep, eat and enjoy life. If your mouth and jaw frequently experience pain, and you find yourself popping more pain medication than you prefer, read on for some tips from...