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Teeth and Allergies

Teeth and Allergies

Despite the occasional colder temperatures we've experienced lately in the Yuba City area, spring is here. The trees are blooming and seasonal allergies are kicking in. Did you know that allergies can impact dental health? All that nose blowing due to sinus irritation...

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Spring Into a Healthy Mouth!

Spring Into a Healthy Mouth!

It's hard to believe that it's happening already, but the Sacramento Valley is warming up to spring. Besides the balmy temperatures, your allergies might be blooming along with the almond trees. With the change in seasons, many also have spring cleaning on their list....

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What Your Teeth Say About You

What Your Teeth Say About You

Your teeth say a lot about you and our Yuba City family dentist is an expert when it comes to understanding what they say. What do your teeth say about you when it's exam time? Dental Habits – Good and Bad A lot of habits affect our teeth for better or worse. Daily...

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Give Your Mouth Some Love

Give Your Mouth Some Love

Love is on the minds of many this month. Whether or not you have a special someone to share February with, how can you show your mouth some love and give it the extra attention it deserves? The Yuba City Dentistry Group cares about the health of you and your loved...

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Your Heart and Your Teeth

Your Heart and Your Teeth

Scientific research shows a link between heart disease and dental health in patients with gum disease. Gum disease also increases the risk of stroke, because oral bacteria can cause inflammation not only in the gums, but also in blood vessels. By avoiding the risk and...

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Be Sweet On Your Teeth, Not on Sugar!

Be Sweet On Your Teeth, Not on Sugar!

Sugar — it's delicious, sweet and some would even say “toothsome,” because it makes foods taste good, yet beware! Sweet treats may taste divine, but the results can create a lot of grief! How can you save your teeth from the disastrous effects of sugar overload?...

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The Best Way To Brush and Floss

The Best Way To Brush and Floss

Let's get back to the basics and discuss the best way to brush and floss your teeth. Daily oral care at home is the foundation for a healthy mouth. With a good routine, it's possible to keep your teeth for life! How to Brush First, select a soft bristle brush. This...

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Overcome Dental Anxiety

Overcome Dental Anxiety

Many of our Yuba City and Marysville dental patients experience some form of dental anxiety and this is completely normal. However, some patients put off dental care reasoning, “No pain, no problem.” Is this really true when it comes to dental care? While it's true...

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Nail Biting and Oral Health

Nail Biting and Oral Health

People of all ages bite their nails and it's a hard habit to break. While nail biting is more common in children, adults also struggle to avoid this stress-relieving habit. How does nail biting affect your oral health? Perils of Nail Biting The Academy of General...

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Crowns Protect Teeth

Crowns Protect Teeth

It's possible for teeth to last a lifetime, but sometimes teeth may weaken, fracture, or become severely discolored, often due to simply wearing out. If the damage required a root canal procedure to repair, our Yuba City dentist recommends a crown to protect the...

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Mouthwash and Diabetes

Mouthwash and Diabetes

A study published in the scientific journal Nitric Oxide suggests that people with a high risk of type 2 diabetes and who use mouthwash twice a day are 55% more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes within three years. Does this mean that our Yuba City dental patients...

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Take Control with Insurance

Take Control with Insurance

It's not too early to think ahead and resolve to make dental health a priority for you and your family in 2018. Dental coverage is available to enrollees of Covered California and open enrollment ends January 31, 2018. If you are eligible for health insurance through...

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