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Fluoride for the Family

Fluoride for the Family

When you think of fluoride treatment and use, you probably think of the benefits for children and their developing teeth. Fluoride is indeed essential for children to have strong teeth, but it’s also important for adults. The Yuba City Dentistry Group encourages our...

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Don’t Forget Your Tongue!

Don’t Forget Your Tongue!

It’s easy to forget one of the hardest working members of your body, the tongue! It’s always there, tasting the good and the bad and helping you to speak clearly every day. The only time many of us give our tongues some thought is when we bite it or look at it after...

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Prevent Gum Recession

Prevent Gum Recession

What does a healthy mouth look like? The teeth have strong enamel in varying shades of white or slightly yellow, sitting snugly in their sockets, surrounded by firm, pink gums. However, when gums recede due to poor dental hygiene, oral piercings or age, the roots of...

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Toothbrush 101

Toothbrush 101

“I know how to take care of my toothbrush!”, you may say. Aren't they pretty basic? But where are you doing with that toothbrush after brushing? Is it being stored in the best place? Our Yuba City dentist can help you make sure you're taking good care of your...

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Genes and Your Oral Health

Genes and Your Oral Health

Which dental traits and problems have you inherited from your parents? While no one is absolutely fated to have good or bad oral health, dentists have long noticed complications experienced by multiple generations of one family. In many cases, this is simply the...

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Acid Reflux and Dental Health

Acid Reflux and Dental Health

Feeling the Burn Acid reflux makes life pretty miserable. Gastroesophageal acid reflux disease, GERD for short, is more than just a bothersome case of heartburn from eating hot nachos. The variety of commercials offering solutions tells you that acid reflux is a...

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The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

What’s the best way to prevent tooth decay? Brushing and flossing every day. It’s so simple, but tooth decay and gum disease are the most common problems our Yuba City dental professionals treat. Our mouth is attacked every day by acid-eroding food and drinks. Combine...

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Myths About Veneers

Myths About Veneers

Have you wanted to improve your smile but thought there was no way you could ever do so? There are many misconceptions about having a bright smile full of straight teeth. One is that celebrities are born with a dazzling smile or that they spent a lot of money to get...

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Who Has More Dental Anxiety?

Who Has More Dental Anxiety?

Is it Men or Women? The Yuba City Dentistry Group knows that not many people look forward to going to the dentist. Most would prefer to do anything other than go to the dentist, especially when they know there might be a problem. Of course, fixing problems before they...

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Oral Piercings and Dental Health

Oral Piercings and Dental Health

Inform Yourself of the Risks Don’t pierce on a whim." — The American Dental Association Body piercings, including the lips and tongue, are more mainstream in today’s society. If you or someone you care about is considering an oral piercing, is there anything you...

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Treatment for Dry Mouth

Treatment for Dry Mouth

Saliva is essential for oral health. Made mostly of water, it lubricates, cleans, remineralizes the enamel and helps fight bacteria. It also is an important factor in healthy digestion. Saliva helps us to speak and plays an important role in our sense of taste....

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