
Cavities are permanently damaged areas of the hard surface of your teeth. This tooth decay is common but can be avoided by regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. Once a cavity is identified, it should be treated immediately in order to avoid larger problems such as additional cavities in surrounding teeth, infection, and tooth abscess.

Sudden Cavity Onset

Sudden Cavity Onset

Perhaps you’re one of the many people who keep up with their oral hygiene, and even visit the Yuba City Dentistry Group at least twice a year. Well done! However, you might be concerned if you begin to develop cavities, seemingly out of the blue. Truthfully, this...

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Probiotics to Prevent Toothache

Probiotics to Prevent Toothache

A recent study conducted at the University of Florida reported that taking a probiotic pill containing a previously unidentified form of Streptococcus bacteria, now named A12, fights the toothache causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans. That might sound a little...

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New Method To Fight Cavities

New Method To Fight Cavities

Curing Cavities With Peptides Researchers at the University of Washington recently discovered that toothpaste containing peptides made from the protein amelogenin reverse tooth decay, restoring damaged tooth enamel. How do peptides work to prevent and repair decay?...

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Be Sweet On Your Teeth, Not on Sugar!

Be Sweet On Your Teeth, Not on Sugar!

Sugar — it's delicious, sweet and some would even say “toothsome,” because it makes foods taste good, yet beware! Sweet treats may taste divine, but the results can create a lot of grief! How can you save your teeth from the disastrous effects of sugar overload?...

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How Can I Get Calcium for My Teeth?

How Can I Get Calcium for My Teeth?

Most of us grew up hearing that calcium makes our bones and teeth strong, so it was important to drink our milk. The “Got Milk?” advertising campaign continued the push to drink milk, but chiefly focusing on its value as a beverage. Now with milk alternatives, largely...

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Genes and Your Oral Health

Genes and Your Oral Health

Which dental traits and problems have you inherited from your parents? While no one is absolutely fated to have good or bad oral health, dentists have long noticed complications experienced by multiple generations of one family. In many cases, this is simply the...

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The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

What’s the best way to prevent tooth decay? Brushing and flossing every day. It’s so simple, but tooth decay and gum disease are the most common problems our Yuba City dental professionals treat. Our mouth is attacked every day by acid-eroding food and drinks. Combine...

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