The Yuba City Dentistry Group provides a wide variety of dental procedures for an even wider variety of patients. When you require a procedure like oral surgery, orthodontic treatment, full mouth restoration or cosmetic dentistry, it’s important to know what to expect...
From fixing cavities to installing dental implants, bridges, and dentures, we cover it all! Consider which procedure best fits your current dental needs.
The Right Tool for the Job
Choose the Proper Toothbrush Modern advancements in technology have certainly made our lives easier. We send communications instantly instead of through postal mail. We cook our meals within minutes, instead of hours in an oven. The Internet provides instructions,...
What is Debridement?
In the dental industry, many words sound strange and potentially frightening. For example, you might hear the word debridement and think it must involve some horrible procedure. Debridement, however, is simply a procedure to get your teeth and gums to a state where...
Sour Candy Dental Danger
Sometimes there seems no end to the choices of sweet treats available to tantalize your taste buds, with new versions and flavors being introduced all the time. One of the more recent fads when it comes to sweets is sour candies. It might sound odd, but some kids —...
Super Glues and Crowns
Don't Create a Sticky Situation! Today’s American lifestyles and diet choices are often dangerous for your teeth. Perhaps you have already experienced a compromised tooth from diet, sports, work, or a neglected routine in oral hygiene. A common way to restore a...
Five Parts to a Great Smile
There’s no denying the benefits of a great smile! It can brighten a room, impress a date, seal a job interview, calm a nervous heart, and even improve your health. As with the rest of the human body, your smile requires regular attention to maintain. There are...
Myths About Aging and Teeth
Despite entertaining stories and endeavors to the contrary, not a single living human can avoid aging and its effects. As a result, many circumstances like receding hairlines or sore muscles are summarily chalked up to getting old. This happens in the dental field...
“Bracing” for Pain
With many things meant to improve our lives – weight lifting, learning a new skill, overcoming bad habits, and others – there is a measure of discomfort involved. The same is true with repositioning your teeth by using braces. The staff at Yuba City Dental Group...
The Battle Against Cavities
There’s an ongoing war waged right in your mouth. It’s you against the bacteria hiding inside plaque and tartar. If left unchecked by a good routine in oral hygiene, bacteria gets a foothold in your territory. As early as twenty minutes after you eat, bacteria feed...
What is Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST)?
At some point, you might hear a colleague or coworker say they are stepping out to get pinhole treatment on their gums. What’s that? Well, they aren’t talking about some new body piercing. Instead, they are getting a new procedure to improve oral health. It takes very...
Treatment for Antibiotic Tooth Stains
Tetracycline is an antibiotic with a long history in medicine. Since the 1940's, variations of tetracycline have been developed to preserve its effectiveness as a reliable treatment for bacterial infections. These variants include minocycline and doxycycline. For a...
Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention
National Campaign Brings Attention to Cleft Lip and Palate Repair Cleft lip and cleft palate are common birth defects affecting a child's appearance and also how they eat and speak. Most children with this condition undergo surgery to repair the cleft at 1-2 years of...
Gum Disease Warnings
Gum disease afflicts more than half of us, yet most are not aware there is a battle being waged daily in our mouths. Prevent your mouth from being a sore loser — untreated gum disease causes decay, tooth loss, pain and bleeding. The Yuba City Dentistry Group is here...
Do You Have Cracked Tooth Syndrome?
Our jaws exert a huge amount of force on our teeth and they're designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear. But instead of successfully facing these demands throughout the day, your teeth might have tiny cracks, putting you at risk for a broken tooth and high dental...
Oral Surgery Answers
Common Questions Explained by the Yuba City Dentistry Group It's likely you have many questions if our Yuba City dental professionals have recommended oral surgery. We understand — few patients like to hear that they need more time in a dental chair, especially when...