
Prevention of bad breath, cavities, gingivitis, and periodontitis is possible! Proper nutrition and exercise along with avoiding tobacco use, establishing good oral hygiene, and regular dental examinations and cleanings are excellent preventative strategies.

Thumbsucking and Dental Development

Thumbsucking and Dental Development

Thumbsucking is a common habit in children, but it should stop by the time their first permanent tooth erupts. Otherwise, significant problems will result if it continues. Here are some helpful tips to help your child break the habit when that time comes.

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Detecting Gum Disease

Detecting Gum Disease

Gum disease is more common than you might think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of adults age 30 or older suffer from some form of gum disease. From what we see at the Yuba City Dentistry Group, we have to agree. The challenge with...

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Probiotics to Prevent Toothache

Probiotics to Prevent Toothache

A recent study conducted at the University of Florida reported that taking a probiotic pill containing a previously unidentified form of Streptococcus bacteria, now named A12, fights the toothache causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans. That might sound a little...

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How To Control Plaque And Tartar

How To Control Plaque And Tartar

How do you prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease? By keeping plaque and tartar in check! With regular oral care it is easy to make sure plaque and tartar do not build up, preventing gum disease from ever starting. What's the Difference Between Plaque and Tartar?...

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The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

The Best Way To Prevent Tooth Decay

What’s the best way to prevent tooth decay? Brushing and flossing every day. It’s so simple, but tooth decay and gum disease are the most common problems our Yuba City dental professionals treat. Our mouth is attacked every day by acid-eroding food and drinks. Combine...

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Control Plaque and Tartar

Control Plaque and Tartar

Something lurks inside your mouth, waiting to take advantage of a skipped round of flossing, or an ignored toothbrush. What is it? It’s bacteria, silently making plaque and tartar. When enough of this goo and hard gunk accumulates along your gumline, the result is gum...

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