How long do dental sealants last? Are they beneficial for adults? What do they do to protect the teeth? Find out more about dental sealants in this article.
Oral Health
Oral health is important to our physical health as well! Check out our tips on teeth brushing, flossing, mouthwash, bad breath, and tooth loss. We even answer questions about infant and child mouth care.
Breastfeeding and Dental Development
A child’s dental health is positively impacted by whether they breastfed and for how long. Learn more about why breastfeeding benefits the child dentally.
Receding Gums and Oral Health
Receding gums can be just as bad as tooth decay, because both lead to missing teeth, and one can lead to the other. Find out more about prevention and cures!
Preventing Tooth Loss
If you have missing teeth, you aren’t alone. More than 100 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Prevention is the first step to keeping teeth. Here are 3 tips to help you keep your teeth for life!
Sleep Apnea and Children
Sleep apnea is defined by the Sleep Foundation as “a condition marked by abnormal breathing during sleep,” including “extended pauses in breath then they sleep.” Such lapses in breathing lead to poor sleep and potentially serious health consequences. When a child has...
Thumb Sucking or a Pacifier?
Is there a benefit to allowing a child to suck their thumb over using a pacifier, or vice versa? Find out more about this common childhood habit.
Thumbsucking and Dental Development
Thumbsucking is a common habit in children, but it should stop by the time their first permanent tooth erupts. Otherwise, significant problems will result if it continues. Here are some helpful tips to help your child break the habit when that time comes.
Maintain Oral Health Despite Crohn’s Disease
Did you know Crohn’s disease can lead to poor oral health? Find out more about the connection and what our Yuba City Dentists can do to help.
Millennials and Dental Care
Are you a millennial? Do you find it difficult to keep up an oral hygiene routine? Or to visit the dentist regularly? In your age group, you’re not alone! Here are some tips to help get you back on track.
So You Didn’t Brush Your Teeth?
The average Californian’s life follows the same basic pattern: food, work, sleep, repeat. There might be a variation or two — perhaps a little recreation added. Hopefully, one other regular element is your routine of oral care, including brushing your teeth for two...
Apps for Brushing the Teeth
Did you know there are apps that help children to focus on their toothbrushing? Find out more about how the smartphone can contribute to dental focus and fun!
Keep Your Balance in Oral Hygiene
Brushing our teeth does more than just keep our teeth clean and get rid of bad breath. It also helps maintain a delicate balance of oral bacteria. Here’s a closer look at maintaining your oral health!
How Bacteria Affects Breath
Can you measure the quality of bad breath? Turns out you can! More importantly, we share tips to decrease bad breath and improve your oral health.
Bacteria and Breath
Bad breath is something that all of us try to avoid. We may like the taste of onions, garlic, certain seafoods, and other rather smelly food products. After eating such foods, we often take extra steps to avoid the resulting malodorous effect. Some chew a piece of...
Dental Music?
It's Music to Your Teeth! It’s rare that you find a song that features dentistry. Granted, there are a few comedic songs and parodies that put the dental industry to music, but they seldom sing the praises of visiting the dentist. That’s fine. Humor is a good thing,...